Online Running Physiotherapy
Online Running Physiotherapy – Classic physiotherapy appointments, to assess, diagnose and manage your running injury.
“The Physio Coach” is rehab coaching for any athlete looking to manage a running injury and return to running at full health. Work with Sam, a qualified physiotherapist and running coach.

Online Running Physiotherapy gives you access to running physiotherapy from the ease and comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world! At Run With Strength, Sam prides himself on providing the highest quality physiotherapy for runners of all ages and abilities.
Sam will assess, diagnose and treat your running injury via a holistic assessment of the multiple factors involved in running injuries, including training factors, strength/power/mobility, biomechanics, sleep, stress, footwear and any other contributing factors.

Physiotherapy Appointments
- 1 x 60 min initial consultation OR 30 minute follow up consultation
- Injury assessment and diagnosis
- Structured rehab program using Physi-Track
- Video running analysis (as required)
- Initial Assessment: $110 AUD
- Follow up: $85 AUD
Note: No cancellation charges at any time for above appointments
“The Physio Coach“
- 1 x initial 60 minute physiotherapy consultation to assess and diagnose your running injury
- 1 x monthly 30 minute check-in physiotherapy consultation
- Personalised running/cross training program via “Final Surge”. Based around your goals and returning to performance after injury
- Personalised rehab program including injury specific strength/mobility
- Unlimited ongoing communication and feedback
- Advice on all things about your injury, running and race nutrition
$220 AUD Per Calendar month. No minimum commitment

What conditions can be treated via an online running physiotherapy consultation?
The vast majority of running injuries can be managed exceptionally well via an Online Consult, without the need for face-to-face appointments or hands on treatment. These include but are not limited to:
- Achillies Tendon Injuries
- Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)
- Plantar Fasciitis (Heel pain)
- Patellofemoral pain/Knee Pain
- Illiotibial band (ITB) pain
- Knee Osteoarthritis
- Lateral Hip Pain
- Hamstring Tendon Pain
- Bone Stress Injuries
- And many other injuries!
About Sam
- Level 2 Athletics Australia qualified run coach
- Masters of Physiotherapy Practice and Bachelor of Health Sciences – Sam has been a practicing physiotherapist for 8 years and run coach for 6 years
- Level 1 ASCA strength and conditioning coaches course.
- Montana Running Lab – Advanced Concepts in Running Injuries
- Clinical Edge – Running Repairs Course
Sam is based in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne. He is an experienced physiotherapist and running coach, with 8 years of physiotherapy and 6 years of run coaching under his belt. Sam has worked with runners training for all variety of events, from their first 5km to 100km ultra marathons and everything in between. Recent events Sam’s clients have trained for include:
- Ultra Trail Australia
- Melbourne Marathon
- Ballarat Marathon
- Rollercoaster Run
- Ultra Trail Kosziosko by UTMB
- Elephant 100 by UTMB
- Two Bays Trail Run
At Run With Strength, Sam works exclusively with running athletes. He has a passion for understanding lower limb running injuries, running technique and performance, movement assessment and variability, injury risk reduction and strength and conditioning.
Outside of work, Sam is a Dad of 2, loves road, trail and ultra running, is an avid reader and gardener, and loves all things outdoors sports.
The Booking Process
- Click ‘Book appointment’ and select desired option
- Complete the payment process
- Receive a confirmation email with online forms to complete prior to your telehealth consultation.
- Your confirmation email will also include a link to your telehealth video call.
- At the time of your appointment, ensure you are in an appropriate setting:
- Private space with adequate lighting
- Access to camera/microphone (any phone or computer should do)
- Appropriate clothing/footwear to complete movement assessments